Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Operation Power Physique

Hittin that FIERCE flex at Metroflex Long Beach
"A blessing in disguise" is what I choose to keep telling myself. For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you all know about the pec strain I incurred leading up to my last meet in April. Those of you who are here for the first time, Welcome and thank you for taking the time to step into "Mai World".

Keeping with the tradition of "Transformation Tuesday", I would like to take the time to talk about the recent transformation you have been seeing. It's not an illusion, this powerlifter is shrinking down in size. 

After my pec injury, I expressed to my coach 
(Kelly Bautista) that I didn't want to just sit and train around my injury while I recovered. I was concerned that I would get bored, discouraged, and so depressed that I would just make my injury worse or eat my feelings away. I didn't want to lose all the progress we had made with my last prep. So, the only thing to do was to adjust my sails. 

Call me stubborn, but when I'm presented with a challenge, I work my way through it. I figured it was time to listen to my body and stop putting off the inevitable. So I have finally decided to commit myself to the ultimate challenge... Stepping on stage in Women's Physique.

Yes, I'm serious. 
Yes, I'm sure. 
Yes, I know I have to step on stage with a two-piece on.
Yes, I'm scared outta my mind. 
No, I haven't lost my mind; that would imply I was sane to begin with. 

And finally, the "why"... 

Aside from my typical "Because, I can!" answer, I feel like I am finally in a good spot in my life. Transformation doesn't happen overnight, and I have to admit that the last 5 years of my life have been filled with DAILY transformation. My outlook, my mentality, my emotional state, my perspective of love and trust, my journey through fitness, a career change, the deaths of family members, and a support system stronger than I could have ever imagined. I have the confidence and courage today, that I could barely piece together 5 years ago. I've proven to myself just what I am capable of achieving, and with the amazing support system I have right now.. I feel invincible. I feel, with such strong conviction, that even if I was to fall short I have achieved success by just getting started. 

So join me as I push myself to new limits. It is a time in my life I will have to face vulnerability to the 100th degree. For years I have created an emotional wall to protect me from such things, but it will only hinder my progress and true transformation. I am excited to see my body transform, as well as breaking out of my shell. Believe it or not, I embarrass myself rather easily, so posing in public has been quite the challenge for me. I've always been viewed as the girl who just "lifts heavy weights". Now, I'm lifting with the goal of aesthetics rather than total weight lifted. The unknown is nerve-wrecking, but I have all the right people in my corner, to get me through "gut-wrenching ego  check" days. Operation Power Physique is in full effect... I mean, if I'm not living with my life in full-throttle, what am I really doing? I need to stop getting in my own way, spread my wings... and FLY!!!

Lift Big. LIVE FIERCE!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Aspire to Inspire

I have said it so many times before... Transformation is so much more than the physical changes a person makes to their physique; it's also how they change the way they think and feel about being healthier. When you feel good about yourself, it begins to show from the inside-out and before you know it you have inspired someone to make a healthy change to their lifestyle as well. Happiness is contagious in all forms: love, health, positivity, etc.

Today, I want to give mad props to one of the sweetest Starbucks Baristas I know. Everyone, meet Jess. A few years ago, I inspired her to take back control of her health and she started walking/running. At that point, I pushed her a little further and encouraged her to sign up for a 5k just to have a goal to shoot for. Now, she has quite a few 5k's under her belt and has now inspired other women to do the same. Next month, she will be running the Run Or Dye with a team of women who she inspired. It feels amazing to see it come full circle, and see how one positive influence has affected so many others indirectly. Like I say and WILL ALWAYS say: